Cascade Kombi’s General Membership Meeting


14 members present

Newly elected President Dave Saltkill, Vice President Don Miller, officers at large Alan Peck and Jeff Bryner were introduced, Treasurer Lisa and membership secretary Jane were absent.

The meeting was largely a brainstorming session with all parties participating and throwing out their ideas for re-invigorating Club participation in activities, suggestions for improvements to Vintage Meet and format for future club meetings


OCT 12: V-Dubs and Coffee, Cafe Ladro, Edmonds ---- Cruise to Coffee 8am

NOV 3: Beer/Root Beer brewing, Potluck and car show off at Gallaghers Where U Brew in Edmonds, 

NOV 6: Cascade Kombis General Membership Meeting, Spiros, Shoreline 5:30 car show off, meeting 6-8

NOV 24: Beer/Root Beer Bottling at Gallaghers

The general consensus was to develop more activities and partner with other VW Clubs’ events/activities like camping (WetWesties), Cruises, Car Shows (XXX in Issaquah expected to open as Burgermaster in January) and/or meet ups.  Specifically discussed organizing a monthly Camping event (or a Cascade Kombi contingent to the Era Westies’ events), VW contingent to the monthly general car show at the old Sears in Shoreline held on the XXX Sat of each month from 8-10.  Also was suggested to reach out to the Snohomish Jaycees to determine if our club could participate in their Christmas cruise.


There was an animated discussion about the long-standing tradition of Vintage Meet being the last of the wholly air-cooled shows, current state of participation, the show facility, what we could learn from other VW Shows, and areas we need to improve.  In no particular order these are some areas discussed:

- Entry fee for spectators and possibly free for kids 16 and under

- pricing differential for exhibitor's vs swap meet

- Show layout and isolation of Swap Meet with one member promoting the idea of building the show from the ground up "Inside out and not from the outside in”

- more Signage

- Marketing of the show beyond the shrinking VW community (One telling comment is that it’s in Shoreline and the residents there don’t even know about it) 

- Camping (or lack of) for travelers from Canada (and OR/ID)

- Changing the date to avoid conflict with SIR races in 2025

- introduction of a water-cooled class or extend an invitation as “guest” of Vintage meet but it was acknowledged there are some members who are “dead set against” this



Several comments about having a formal meeting agenda and one member suggested going back to previous year’s format of:

- Review Activities of previous Month

- What’s coming up

- Vintage Meet Update, decisions and volunteer requests 

- Tech Tips, Resources

- Buy and Sell

- Pizza time and Fellowship


- Build an activity calendar and populate Website and Facebook group

- Collect Specifics for the Sears “show off” and put out a call to participate

- Investigate Snohomish Christmas Cruise

- Study Wet Westies Campout calendar and get commitment for some Kombis to engage

- Call a meeting with the Vintage Meet Show Committee to make some key decisions (Changing show date, water-cooled class/guests)